Database July
through December
(click here)
To remove or update your listing, contact Else Holter at
To place your unit in our database click here.
Casa Ybel Database
January through June
*Last Update: 3-10-2025
Week: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
Sale listings will be removed 1 year
after posting date shown in right hand column!
Rentals remain posted until unit is
rented or rental week expires.
1/16/2026 |
Tortuga Beach Club | Unit 104 | RENTED | 11-24 | |||||
Tortuga Beach Club | Unit 128 | Hanson | 612-991-1751 | $2,900 | 12-24 | |||
3 | G 213 | Konsti | 651-403-3584 |
$3,000 (Wk 3&4 $5000.00) |
11-24 |
1/23/2026 |
Tortuga Beach Club | Unit 104 | RENTED | 11-24 | |||||
4 | G 213 | Konsti | 651-403-3584 |
$3,000 (lower level) |
11-24 |
01/30/2026 |
Tortuga Beach Club | Unit 104 | RENTED | 11-24 | |||||
5 | G 211 | Bickum | 330-524-7973 | $3,500 | 12-24 | |||
5 | H 183 | SOLD | 10-23 | |||||
2/6/2026 |
6 | F 155 | Van Drake | 260-414-7921 | $5,000 | 06-23 | |||
6 | G 203 | Peck-Dimit | 248-302-7188 | $4,800 | 10-24 |
2/13/2026 |
7 |
Hurricane House Unit 105 |
Jankowski | 586-709-1101 | $32,00.00 (includes golf) | 10-24 | |||
7 |
Sanibel Cotteges Unit 101 |
O'Brien | $4,300 | 10-24 | ||||
7 | F 149 | SOLD | 02-22 | |||||
7 | G 211 | Bickum | 330-524-7973 | $3,500 | 12-24 | |||
7 | G 213 | Brooks | 248-642-5269 | $5,200 | 12-24 | |||
7 | G 215 | Van Drake | 260-414-7921 | $5,000 | 06-23 | |||
7 | G 217 | Reville | 508-751-3359 | $5,800 | 10-23 | |||
7 | H 184 | Evans | 630-881-7396 | $5,400 | 09-24 | |||
2/20/2026 |
8 |
Hurricane House Unit 105 |
Jankowski | 586-709-1101 | $35,00.00 (includes golf) | 01-25 | |||
8 | F 145 | SOLD | 03-22 | |||||
8 | F 148 | SOLD | 03-22 | |||||
8 | G 211 | Martin | 705-740-4163 | $42,500 (8&9 $80,000) | 02-25 | |||
8 | G 213 | Brooks | 248-642-5269 | $5,200 | 12-24 | |||
8 | G 214 | SOLD | 06-24 | |||||
8 | H 176 | Koss | 920-374-4350 | $3,000 | 09-24 | |||
8 | H 177 | Knapp | 810-923-0660 |
$1,500 (walk out lower unit) |
02-25 | |||
8 | H 180 | Fell | +4479800638008 | $3,600 | 02-25 | |||
8 | H 182 | Lucido | 925-285-5905 |
$5,000 (will entertain offers) |
02-25 | |||
8 | H 184 | Reinhart | 610-780-0126 | $4,500 | 02-25 | |||
8 | I 158 | Robertson | 215-510-6790 | $5,200 | 06-24 | |||
02/27/2026 |
9 | G 203 | Koss | 920-374-4350 | $4,000 | 09-24 | |||
9 | G 211 | Martin | 705-740-4163 | $43,500 (8&9 $80,000) | 02-25 | |||
9 | G 215 | Rohlf | 563-343-6683 | $5,000 | 02-25 | |||
9 | H 176 | Koss | 920-374-4350 | $4,000 | 09-24 | |||
9 | H 182 | Lucido | 925-285-5905 |
$2,000 - for 2025 $5,000 - for 2026 (will entertain offers) |
02-25 | |||
9 | J 165 | Forman | 585-233-7713 | $4,800 | 08-24 | |||
10 | F 145 | Garnett | 703-963-6502 | $4,000 | 01-25 | |||
10 | G 211 | Rohlf | 209-244-4730 | $4,000 | 12-23 | |||
10 | G 215 | RENTED | 02-25 | |||||
10 | G 221 | Kett | 434-825-6451 | $2,500 | 11-24 | |||
10 | G 224 | Shaw | 647-564-7808 |
$4,000 (Upper Corner) |
10-24 | |||
10 | H 176 | Niquette | 920-680-3999 |
$5,000 (upper corner) |
09-25 | |||
10 | I 160 | RENTED | 02-25 | |||||
10 | I 162 | Burke | 312-961-2607 | $1,500 | 02-25 | |||
10 | J 165 | RENTED | 08-24 | |||||
3/14/2025 |
11 | F 145 | RENTED | 01-25 | |||||
11 | F 146 | Seaver | 914-234-6024 | $3,750 | 03-25 | |||
11 | F 148 | Melnick | 414-517-7595 | $4,200 | 11-23 | |||
11 | F 156 | Zagaria | 651-283-6835 |
$2,500 (No pool) |
03-25 | |||
11 | G 217 | Hundley | 720-277-2168 | $5,000 | 11-24 | |||
11 | G 224 | Shaw | 647-564-7808 |
$4,000 (Upper Corner) |
10-24 | |||
11 | I 160 | RENTED | 02-25 | |||||
11 | J 165 | RENTED | 08-24 | |||||
11 | J 168 | Lewis | 614-595-9509 |
$4,000 (or best offer) |
02-25 | |||
12 | Tortuga Beach Club Unit 154 | Chapman | 612-554-6383 | $3,700 | 01-25 | |||
12 | F 141 | Brin | 213-675-4940 | $2,500 | $59,000 | 11-23 | ||
12 | F 146 | Seaver | 914-234-6024 | $3,750 | 03-25 | |||
12 | F 153 | Knapp | 810-923-0660 | $2,900 | 02-25 | |||
12 | G 205 | Kett | 434-825-6451 | $2,500 | 11-24 | |||
12 | G 211 | Isbell | 563-343-1496 | $5,000 | 02-25 | |||
12 | H 177 | Babcock | 828-489-9117 | $1,500 | 03-25 | |||
12 | I 157 | Chapman | 612-554-6383 | $4,000 | 02-25 | |||
12 | K 173 | Wilmeth | 608-358-5589 |
$3,000 |
02-25 | |||
3/28/2025 |
13 | F 141 | Wynn | 312-531-0600 | $3,000 | 02-25 | |||
13 | F 148 | Ryers | 651-769-4157 | $3,000 | 02-25 | |||
13 | F 149 | Van Drake | 260-414-7921 | $5,000 | 06-23 | |||
13 | F 152 | Johnson | 905-831-5183 | $3,000 | 02-25 | |||
13 | F 153 | Garvey Shah | 608-699-1931 |
$5,000 (or trade for Wk 12) |
12-23 | |||
13 | F 155 | Haas | 260-460-0601 |
$3,000 (lower corner unit) |
07-24 | |||
13 | G 205 | Chartier |
978-549-1926 (text) |
$3,500 | 02-25 | |||
13 | G 207 | Van Drake | 260-414-7921 | $5,000 | 06-23 | |||
13 | G 219 | Dillon | 708-821-5511 | $3,000 | $35,000 | 02-25 | ||
13 | H 184 | Lewis | 937-750-6477 | $4,000 | 02-25 | |||
13 | H 188 | Boyle | 404-931-9624 | $4,000 | 02-25 | |||
13 | I 158 | Chapman | 612-554-6383 | $4,000 | 02-25 | |||
13 | K 172 | Wilson | 202-486-6673 |
$3,000 (W/D in unit) |
01-25 |
4/4/2025 |
14 | F 142 | Barnes | 941-966-4571 |
$3,800 (Upper Corner) |
$50,000 | 01-24 | ||
14 | F 145 | Dinga | 440-821-1703 |
$4,000 (lower unit) |
09-24 | |||
14 | F 146 | Luechtefeld | 314-920-3994 |
$2.900 (Upper unit/Large Master) |
08-24 | |||
14 | F 148 | Laramee | 860-614-0751 | $1,500 | 02-25 | |||
14 | G 203 | Haas | 260-460-0601 | $2,900 | 07-24 | |||
14 | G 205 | SOLD | 09-24 | |||||
14 | G 213 | Nimr | 305-587-3800 | $4,800 | 06-24 | |||
14 | G 219 | Dillon | 708-821-5511 | $35,000 | 02-25 | |||
14 | J 165 | Hundley | 720-277-2168 | $4,700 | 11-24 | |||
14 | H 177 | Sklansky | 312-404-0960 |
$4,350 (Beautiful unit and location) |
02-25 | |||
14 | H 183 | Atkinson | 603-524-5617 | $3,950 | 12-24 | |||
14 | H 182 | Bradley | 937-750-8871 |
$4,800 (Upper Unit-large Master) |
02-25 | |||
14 | I 158 | Chapman | 612-554-6383 | $4,000 | 02-25 | |||
14 | I 158 | Chapman | 612-554-6383 | $4,000 | 02-25 | |||
14 | K 171 | Wilson | 202-486-6673 |
$4,000 (W&D in unit) |
01-24 | |||
4/11/2025 |
15 | F 142 | Chamberlain | 646-573-0276 | $4,200 |
$40,000 (End unit,beautiful view w lots of sun) |
02-25 | ||
15 | F 143 | Whitehead | 843-415-9102 | $3,200 | 03-25 | |||
15 | G 203 | Haas | 260-460-0601 | $2,900 | 07-24 | |||
15 | G 205 | SOLD | 09-24 | |||||
15 | G 208 | Rogalle | 248-935-3297 | $4,000 | 12-24 | |||
15 | G 223 | White | 914-276-3322 | $3,600 | 02-25 | |||
15 | H 185 | Hoffman | 207-356-9690 | $1,600 | 03-25 | |||
15 | K 169 | SOLD | 04-22 | |||||
4/18/2025 |
16 | F 146 | RENTED | 11-24 | |||||
16 | G 203 | Downes | 248-933-2585 | $4,000 | 08-23 | |||
16 | G 208 | Rogalle | 248-935-3297 | $3,500 | 12-24 | |||
16 | G 212 | Krumwied | 317-840-4145 |
$3,700 (Upper, view, pool uncertain, OBO) |
03-25 | |||
16 | G 213 | Herrick | 239-851-9450 | $2,700 | 03-10 | |||
16 | G 215 | Webb | 973-615-7308 | $4,200 | $25,000 (1st fl; stairs to pool, Porch open on 2 sides) | 11-24 | ||
16 | G 216 | Dreissig | 603-355-2292 |
$4,200 (Upper corner unit near pool near pool) |
10-23 | |||
16 | G 222 | Tishkevich | 207-229-5622 |
$4,200 (2nd fl overlooking pool) |
11-23 |
4/25/2025 |
17 | G 215 | Webb | 973-615-7308 | $4,200 | $23,000 (buy wks 16 & 17 for $ $45,000) | 11-24 |
5/2/2025 |
18 | H 186 | Vanderberg | 585-576-6658 | $2,000 | 02-25 | |||
18 | I 158 | Nespoli | 609-331-0950 |
$3,800 (2 BR sleeps 6) |
02-25 |
5/9/2025 |
19 | F 144 | Taylor | 814-688-5569 | $2,000 | 02-25 | |||
19 | I 159 | McGowan | 905-846-7694 |
$2,200 (newly renovated wheelchair access) |
02-25 |
5/16/2025 |
20 | F 151 | Hintz | 815-343-4078 | $2,000 | 03-25 | |||
20 | H 184 | Tansey | 847-650-9235 | $8,000 | 02-24 |
5/23/2025 |
21 | F 148 | Allegro | 732-672-5454 | $8,500 | 08-24 | |||
21 | G 215 | Vondra | 715-204-2417 | $13,500 | 06-24 | |||
21 | J 167 | Board | 443-521-2167 | $2,400 | 02-25 | |||
21 | K 171 | Board | 443-521-2167 | $2,400 | 02-25 |
5/30/2025 |
22 | F 148 | Holter | 412-608-6263 | $2,100 | 03-24 | |||
22 | G 224 | Weibust | 281-610-3666 | $2,400 | $11,000 | 12-24 | ||
22 | H 176 | RENTED | 02-25 | |||||
22 | H 188 | Holter | 412-608-6263 | $2,100 | 03-24 |
23 | G 222 | Griffin | 502-592-6500 | $2,200 | 04-24 | |||
23 | H 185 | SOLD | 02-24 | |||||
6/13/2025 |
24 | G 208 | Schmidt | 937-304-8638 | $2,000 | 02-25 | |||
24 | G 222 | Griffin | 502-592-6500 | $2,200 | 04-24 |
6/20/2025 |
25 | I 160 | RENTED | 03-24 | |||||
25 | I 161 | DeShong | 954-275-0723 | $2,000 | 03-24 |
To place your unit in our database click here.
Else Holter
2306 Cedarwood Way
Fort Wayne, IN 46804